*Diambil dari laman web Umisisweb, Portal pelajar UM.
Organize by:
The Department of al-Quran and al-Hadith, The Academy of Islamic Studies Universiti Malaya Kuala Lumpur
In collaboration with:
Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM) Bahagian Ijazah Tinggi, Akademi Pengajian Islam, UM
30 & 31 December 2009 (Wednesday – Thursday)
The objectives of this seminar are:
1. To highlight the needs and the importance of takhrij knowledge and its challenges towards Muslim society in the Malay Archipelago.
2. To conform the authority and the authenticity of hadith as part of the sources.
3. To discuss the role of institutions of higher learning education in combating the issue of fabricated and weak hadith in the society.
4. To discuss on the establishment of Darul Hadith as the center of Hadith research in the region.
“Ilmu Takhrij Pemangkin Keutuhan Maklumat”
The above theme will be discussed in research fields such as:
•The issue of Takhrij and its challenges in the Malay region.
• Takhrij in education institutions and religious Institutions
• Takhrij in ICT and Modern technologies
• Takhrij in education, reading materials and the mass media
• Darul Hadith
Officiate, main speaker and paper presenter:
The minister of the Prime Minister Deparment Y.B Mejar Jeneral (B) Dato' Jamil Khir B. Hj. Baharom
The presenters for the main paper presentations are:
1. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohd. Yakub@Zulkifli Hj Mohd Yusoff (UM)
2. Prof Dr. Mohammed Abul Lais Khairabadi (UIAM)
3. Prof Dr. Jawiah Dakir (UKM)
4. Assoc. Prof Dr Fauzi Deraman (UM)
5. Assoc. Prof Dr. Mohd. Radzi bin Othman (USM)
6. Assoc. Prof Dr. Ishak Hj Suliaman (UM)
1. Prof. KH Dr. Ali Mustafa Yaqub (Institut Ilmu Al-Qur'an (HQ) Jakarta, Indonesia)
3. Assoc. Prof Dr. Abdullah Benyousef Kareena (Prince of Songkla University)
4. Dr. Haji. Muhammad Hussain bin Pehin Penyurat Haji Ahmad (Tim. Mufti, Kerajaan Brunei Darul Salam)
5. Ustaz Jamaluddin bin Abdul Wahab (Timb. Mufti Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura)
Intermediary language:
This seminar will use Bahasa Melayu as its means of communication. However, the presenters are allowed to use English and Arabic in their presentation.
Registration fee:
Every participant needs to pay according to these classifications:
Institution: RM 380.00
Presenter: RM 300.00
Individual: RM 180.00
Attach paper: RM 180.00
Student (with matrix card): RM 80.00
Important dates:
The date for submitting abstract is on: 30th Oktober 2009. The date for abstract’s recommendation is on: the latest will be on 7th November 2009. The date of presentation is on: 30th November 2009.
menarik .. hang pi ka Pak Lan . Boleh dengar hang cerita nanti .
aku memang nak pi. jom la pi. sat saja .
aku ada program kat KL dari 21 - 31 .. x dapek nak ngelat program kpm nie .. malam2 boleh la jumpa dengar cerita .
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